Sunday, March 18, 2012

I tried for that ten minute mile again this week- fail. 10:25. I would rather it took me 47 minutes than to be this close to the ten minute mark and not be able to do it! Grrrr. Anyway, I did accomplish a 5 MILE RUN! That is the longest I have ever run in my entire life! Next weekend is 5.5 miles and the weekend after that is the 10K and I will FINALLY officially be able to cross something off my list! Yeah!

 My dad asked me this week how he was supposed to know what I had completed on the list.  That answer was simple – “Nothing.”  There are several things that I could consider completed at this time, but I guess I don’t feel as if they are done yet.  Internally, I still feel like there is more for me to do before I can cross Volunteer (#20) off the list.  I have been working with the High School Youth Group at the church for several weeks now and am enjoying my time there. (Shameless plug time: order Papa John’s (University) on Tuesday March 20th and 10% of the profit for the night goes to the youth group and their trip to the regional youth conference in April) I have been looking for some wine tasting courses online, but they are expensive! I am not sure how far I want to go with that goal either. I want to be able to learn more about mine and the different types and tastes.  Right now I just go to the store and pick a pretty bottle. J I am going to look for some dance lessons or even a cake class to take in the near future.  I have been spending so much time running that I have not had much time to do anything other than that.  I will have to see if the Hubby is interested in some dance lessons.  I have a feeling that my dad might have something up his sleeve to help me with crossing some of the other items off my list as well. 

The Hubby and I have been working very hard to finish our basement project.  When we first moved in the basement was framed, but there wasn’t any insulation or drywall.  I would compare it to hanging out in a tree house as it was pretty darn cold in the winter! A few years ago we did put up drywall and insulation, but we only did an “okay” job.  The problem is that he wants to get projects done quickly and I am a perfectionist and we were not able to find a balance.  It was good enough though and there was now a comfortable temperature reached.  This time we decided to go all out and frame out the doors and windows, paint the walls, and we added bead board around the walls…. and, drumroll please, WE ARE GETTING NEW FURNITURE.  Apparently, as disclosed to me during the Hubby’s Bachelor Party, our couch was very “busy” during college and as we have been out of college for 7 years I thought it might be time to send it to couch heaven.  We should be getting the new furniture by the end of the week or early next week when the painting is complete - J So excited!

1 comment:

  1. A 10:25 mile is not a FAIL. Think about where you were a year ago, or a couple of years ago. You couldn't even run with out your hip hurting you. You have come so very far on your running, and you are so very close to a goal you never though would be attainable a few years ago. I am proud of you as I am sure many others are proud of you. Keep being an inspiration to people! Love ya and I wish I could be there to cheer you on during the race. See you soon!!!
