Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Training, training, training.  I feel that I have spent A LOT of time in training the last several months.  I enjoy training because I love being able to expand my knowledge base and hopefully learn something that can help my foster parents to be better foster parents.  The current issue is I don’t have the time to teach the foster parents any of the knowledge that I am holding in my head.  I won’t bore you with the details of my job.  We have over forty foster children in placement with our agency, thirty foster families, and five staff – I supervise the department meaning I supervise all of the above.  I am also currently training two families to become foster parents as well as transferring several families into the agency.  To put it mildly, I am busy.  The most frustrating thing to me is that I feel like I can do better.  There are so many changes and improvements that I would like to see made within the department and I simply don’t have the time to do it! It really bothers me because I know I am not maximizing the potential of the department.  I need to find a balance with all of my job responsibilities SOON!

I took a week off running due to the job responsibilities, time commitments, and just being otherwise exhausted at the end of the day.  I ran again on Monday night and was only able to complete 2 miles in 25 minutes.  The training schedule called for 3 miles, but that wasn’t going to happen.  I did 45 minutes on the elliptical the next night and nothing tonight due to teaching class at work.  I will be back at the gym tomorrow because MARCH 31 IS ALMOST HERE! I am not worried about my ability to finish the race because I will finish it – I just don’t want to spend all day running 6 miles! I know that the important thing is going to be to continue running after the race as well.  I should probably just sign up for another one so I have another goal in mind… I work better with a plan. J

The positive of it almost being March 31 is that I will officially be able to cross something off my list (#17)! Yeah! I have made tremendous progress on some of the other goals I set for myself.  I think it is safe to say that I am well on my way to becoming a regular at church (#28) as people now know my name.  I have become a volunteer (#20) with the High School Youth Group.  This Friday night I will be participating in a Famine with the Youth Group as well – more about that one later.  The Hubby and I continue or never ending chess game (#16), but I am still learning how to move the pieces.  I found out there are tons of YouTube videos to help you learn how to crochet (#18) so I will be looking into those.  I really want to get caught up on my scrapbook (#14) and I think that is going to be my next accomplishment.  Maybe I can use the crochet practice to decompress?!?!?

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